Green transition in the Mediterranean:
from decisions to actions
Moving from plans and programmes to concrete actions to ensure a
prosperous and sustainable Mediterranean.
This goal can be achieved by strengthening:
River Basin Management, Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Maritime
Spatial Planning: engaging citizens in environmental issues and decision-making
Transboundary, regional and interregional cooperation in the Mediterranean,
the Black Sea and the Danube River Basin.
Inter-generational cooperation: involving youth in the activities of local, national
and regional institutions and environmental programmes.
Climate change adaptation policies and plans developed from national to local
level (top-down and bottom-up).
Global framework for implementation of Barcelona Convention, focusing on
climate change, biodiversity and protection of oceans
Signature of the Connected Work Program 2023 – 2025
Young people will be key agents of change for a healthy Mediterranean
Representatives of the 21 Mediterranean countries – signatories to the Barcelona Convention, which commits them to the maintenance of healthy, safe, clean and biodiverse Mediterranean sea and coasts – will meet in Portorož early in December. This meeting highlights the…
Invitation to the Book presentation: Legal Aspects of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Sea – An Adriatic and Ionian Perspective
The Maritime Law Association of Slovenia (DPPS), in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia, cordially invites you to the presentation of the book “Legal Aspects of Marine Protected Areas in the…
“Who that has ever visited the borders of this classic sea, has not felt at the first sight of its waters a glow of reverent rapture akin to devotion, and an instinctive sensation of thanksgiving at being permitted to stand…
Towards a healthier and safer future for the Mediterranean
Slovenia will host the 23rd Meeting of the Member Parties to the Barcelona Convention, COP 23 – Conference for the Mediterranean, in Portorož between 5 and 8 December 2023, marking the second time in history that Slovenia has held the…