Thursday, 7 December, MEDİTERANEA

THEME 1: Responding to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity and nature loss, pollution and waste

Time slot

Title of Side event


Marine protected areas and Biodiversity
13.00 – 14.3030 x 30 biodiversity target in the Mediterranean – time for action1. Informing marine spatial planning for sharks, rays, and chimaeras in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

2. Enhancing ecological connectivity: Why and how? Adriatic Sea as a case point

3. What is role can play NGOs in MPA preservation

4. The Dolphin centre: Empowering youth for marine conservation
1. WWF Mediterranean

2. Science and Research centre Koper, Mediterranean institute for environmental studies (ZRS Koper)

3. ACG association of continuity of generations

4. MORIGENOS – Slovenian Marine Mammal Society
Pollution, including marine litter. – Part three
14.30 – 15.00
Navigating Change: Progress and prospects in the Mediterranean’s Plastic Pollution BattleUnite locally, act nationally: EcoPact implements national plans for a sustainable environment in Bizerte-Tunisia
Ministry of Environment – Tunisia/ ECO PACT – Lake Bizerte Program